These skins are now expanded to include Mesh Body & Mesh Head/Face compatibility. Options are included for Bare (no hair/eyebrow) as well as Jet, Brunette, Sandy, Scarlet, Platinum, and White hair/eyebrows, since Mesh Bodies don't all the same layers available... and none have the 5 tattoo layers available that the system avatar does. This means that a lot of textures were created just to support the mesh body parts... a lot of new work had to be done on the Omni-HUD... and a lot of TMP Syle installers had to be made... so that mesh customers could have all the same options available that the classic avatar supports.
Previous customers can have the updated package(s) redelivered to them by visiting the store and clicking any vendor, choosing Redeliver in the menu, and choosing their Juno skin package.
Package Contents: (Everything is Copy/No-Trans)
1 Tone of Juno Skin, featuring 3 Cleavage variants (C1, C3, & C3)
1 Artisan Skin Applier Omni-HUD
This Applier HUD is compatible with:
Slink Hands, Slink Feet, Slink Nails, Slink Physique Body, Slink Visage Head
Omega System for Hands, Feet, Nails, Upper Body, Nipples, Lower Body, and Head
(This system has wide coverage, see here: http://lovenlustdesigns.blogspot.com/p/supported-meshes.html )
Sinful Needs Venus/Lolas Tangos compatible Breasts and Nipples
Legacy support for Linc Phat Azz/Cute Azz and uLukie Ghetto Booty (These products are no longer available)
Sinful Needs Demon Tails, Fae Mesh Ears, and the future release of Male and Female Genitalia (currently in development)
1 Bag of TheMeshProject Style Mode Installers
This Bag contains:
TMP Skin Style Installer(s)
TMP Face Style Installer(s)
TMP Eyeshadow Style Installer(s)
TMP Lipstick Style Installer(s)
1 Modifiable Juno Shape
1 Modifiable Juno Eyebrows Shape (Bald Cap)
1 Bag of Juno Eyebrows Tattoos
This bag contains 5 styles of eyebrows in 6 Colors (Tattoo Layers)
1 Bag of Juno Pleasure Patches
This bag contains 3 styles of pubic hair in 6 Colors (Tattoo Layers)
1 Bag of Eye Shadow Makeup:
12 Colors of Eye Shadow (Tattoo Layers)
Each with 3 versions: Plain, with Kohl Eyeliner, & With Liner & Lashes
1 Bag of Lipstick Makeup:
12 Colors of Lipstick (Tattoo Layers)
1 Bag of SN Occularum Eyes
12 color choices, Human Pupil