Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Genitals getting closer and closer...

Hello, Sinners! I know you all are as eager as I am about the release of the S!2 Genitals. The past 10 days or do have kept Me jumping in that otherlife, but progress is ongoing with the naughty bits. I have been running into memory limit issues that are driving Me a bit bonkers, and I have decided to adopt something many of you may have seen used in OpenCollar: a Website Guide to the menu, rather than trying to provide explanations and directions in the Menu dialogs themselves. This will allow Me to remove most of the text from the menus, and that will save a fair chunk of memory in the HUD and Genitals... making it easier to get them done without having to split scripts and add communications between them. To that end, is finally getting a little development, and you can see the S!2 Guide beginning to take shape there. As you can see, it will eventually house an A5 Guide as well. I could ramble on at length here, as many of you know, but I'm going to cut it 'short' and get back to work =) Stay wicked!