The A4 HUD is available NOW at my Main Store Location on Atlan Tu Sura!
And don't forget to visit the top of the Pyramid Temple of the Ancients and check out the Celebration! The Club staff will be running events all weekend... and if we pack those events enough... you never know what I might decide to give away as a door prize!
Remember... it's available for only 1L (yes... it was going to be free, I know, but HippoVend requires a price of at least 1L to do it's job correctly... so there we are!) for this first weekend of the Grand Re-Opening ONLY! It goes up to 300L at 2AM Monday, 8/3, and up to the full price of 500L the the following 2AM Monday, 8/10! Get yours now!
And don't forget to visit the top of the Pyramid Temple of the Ancients and check out the Celebration! The Club staff will be running events all weekend... and if we pack those events enough... you never know what I might decide to give away as a door prize!